Medicinal Plant- Acorus Calamus (Sweet Flag)

Medicinal Plant- Acorus Calamus (Sweet Flag)

Classical & Common names:
    Ayurvedic: Vachaa, Ugragandhaa, [atilaa, Vijayaa, Bhadra, Ikshupatrikaa (Charaka); Shad-granthaa, Ugraa (Sushruta); Shatapatrikaa, Shataparvaa, Tikshnagandhaa, Golomi, Kshudra Patra, Lomashaa, Maangalyaa. (Ayurvedic physicians use the red variety, Unani physicians the white one: Haimvati.) 
    Unani: Bachh, Waj-e-turki, Baj, Uud-ul-waj, Al baj (Arabic); Agar turki, Kaarunak (Persian). 
         Siddha: Vasambu.
Plant Structure:

Place of Found: 
       Mounting wild and also cultured throughout India, in the Himalayas, Cultivated in Koratagere taluk in Karnataka
Medicinal activity: 
    The significant constituent of the Indian calamus oil is asarone and its beta-isomer. Owing to the synergistic accomplishment of these active principles calamus oil is credited with carminative, antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. The important oil-free alcoholic extract of the rhizome was established to possess tranquillizer and painkiller property and to cause reasonable despair of blood pressure and respiration.
      The leaves, stalks in powder form or decoction in interior prescription as a purgative, appetizer, in haemorrhaged, fever, urinary and skin diseases. And the juice of the plant with milk as a part of a daily diet to promote mental power and long life. The medicated clarify grease was arranged within in epilepsy, insanity, asthma, consumption, haemorrhage, menorrhagia, pustular eruptions, impotency and also as a cardiac tonic.
         2–7 g powdered root (10–15 as an emetic) (KAP).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects:
         Class 1, only for the asarone free diploid rhizome. Class 2b for the triploid and tetraploid (AHP). CAN reports that the beta asarone in the oil is carcinogenic and nephrotoxic, and may cause convulsions. AHP hints that the risks, like those of safrole, may not be as serious as the press would have us believe. Oil carcinogenic, convulsant; kidney damage and tremors. May potentiate MAOI therapy (CAN). And a real bombshell for uncut aromatherapists, “In general, the topical application of any undiluted EO does not recommend” (CAN). EO LD50 = 777 orl rat; LD50 = 221 ipr rat (CAN); LD50 = >5000 der guinea pig (CAN).
         Acquire only under medical direction.
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